Samsung is reportedly in talks with rival Android phone makers to bring the Samsung Pay service to more devices. Samsung has held talks with OEMs about bringing its payment service to other high-end, non-Samsung smartphones. Rival firms probably ain't lining up to add Samsung Pay support to their devices, though, as doing so will require them to add a specialised chip that enables MST technology on their handsets.
Unlike Android Pay and Apple Pay which makes use of NFC technology, Samsung Pay uses MST or magnetic secure transmissions, that emits a magnetic signal that mimics the strip of traditional payment cards. What this means is that Samsung Pay has a bigger potential to reach greater global reach and "is more secure" than NFC-based services. It is also said that Samsung is considering an accessory that users can stick on their smartphone to enable support for the payments service. This accessory could be similar to LoopPay Cards, a battery-powered plastic puck.
Samsung is reportedly hoping that this payment service will be available on more devices by mid-2018. In April Samsung Pay claimed that they have 34 million active users in 2017, while Apple Pay almost doubles its users from 45 million in 2016 to 86 million this year. Have a look at the video to see how Samsung Pay works.